

First Name Last name Experiment Instutition
Christopher Tunnell XENON Rice
Amy Roberts SuperCDMS U Colorado Denver
Luke Kreczko LZ Bristol
Shu Liao Pheno Texas A&M
Adrian Thompson Pheno Texas A&M
Fernanda Psihas NOvA/uBooNe Fermilab
Sophia Andaloro XENON Rice
Andrew Renshaw DarkSide U Houston
Jelle Aalbers XENON Stockholm
Scott Kravitz LUX/LZ LBNL
Igor Ostrovskiy EXO/nEXO U Alabama
Stanley Seibert [Former MiniCLEAN] Anaconda Inc
Jason Brodsky EXO/nEXO LLNL
Peter Elmer CMS / IRIS-HEP Princeton
Valerio Ippolito DarkSide INFN Rome
Shixiao Liang XENON Rice
Greg Rischbieter NEST/LUX U Albany
Gavin Davies NOvA Ole Miss
Mats Rynge OSG ISI
Concetta (Tina) Cartaro SuperCDMS SLAC
Hagit Shatkay ML Delaware
Waheed Bajwa ML Rutgers
Simon Blyth GPU Simulations IHEP, CAS
Dennis Wright Geant4 SLAC
Samuele Sangiorgio nEXO LLNL
Ben Nachman LHC LBNL
Mohamed Elbeltagi EXO Carleton
Micah Buuck LZ SLAC
Samuel Chan LZ
Dan Zhang PandaX U Maryland
Frank Malatino U of Houston
Sal Tijerina Science gateways Texas Advanced Computing Center
Aaron Higuera DUNE U of Houston
Malachi Schram Project8 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Michael Zentner Science Gateways Community Institute San Diego Supercomputer Center
Alejandro Ramirez DarkSide U of Houston
Sagar Poudel DarkSide U of Houston
Linoy Kotler XENON Rice

A workshop on the computational aspects (analysis tools, machine learning, distributed computing, data acquisition) of current direct-detection dark matter experiments and medium-sized neutrino experiments.